Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Governments at all levels to strengthen

 Xinhua Shanghai Jan. 16 (Xinhua Ji Ming Xu Xiaoqing) 2010, most local government revenue in China will hit a record high, and that the Chinese government has taken action to strengthen the while speeding on the

China's State Administration of Taxation recently released data show that last year the national tax revenue of 7.7 trillion yuan, an increase of more than 20%, the proportion of total revenue was 89%; here estimates that last year National revenue of 8.7 trillion yuan, together with the land transfer income over 2.7 trillion yuan, total government revenue in 2010 exceeded 10 trillion yuan.

Recommended reading end of the year Award Great traps high financial impact of the RMB exchange rate geometric outbound Chinese New Year as much higher than the economic growth of the phenomenon has existed for many years, widespread.

exposure from the government over recent years, cases of improper administration of view, more and more with the the construction of some local financial abuse

noted that According to the NPC and the State Council, the next addition to education for all government fees and charges must be included in the budget management of extrabudgetary funds, which cover all the financial aspects of budget management an important step.

At the same time, localities have also strengthened the Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng promise 16 this year, Shanghai will further increase the intensity of the financial information disclosure, in addition to special provisions of the budget for all municipal departments to review the Municipal People's Congress, the budget of all government departments open to the community; the public is most concerned about The public will also benefit from special funds to 30 of 19 items, will expand the public local government bonds, the sewage fee income, urban infrastructure, utilities surcharge, government non-tax revenues.

Before that, Shanghai has been lending vehicles, toll road construction, state-owned land use right transfer payments, social security funds, the community highly concerned about the government funds and the use of public funds made public. The Guangzhou City in 2009 had been 114 in the online public all government budgets, creating a network of Chinese mainland cities for the first time publicly,

Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Party Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Social Service, said Professor Shen Ming, the Shanghai municipal government budget this year, open the project refinement, mutatis mutandis, in the past a lot of progress. The practice of open adoption of the budget, monitoring the effectiveness of government administration produced, this is a financial

on the Internet, ask for more participation in government revenue expenditure monitoring and decision-making voice, is attracting more and more ordinary users for their support and response; government revenue growth for many years higher than the economic growth and urban and rural areas disposable real income growth, also led to further calls for reform income distribution system.

Fudan University economist Professor Wei Sen said that China's rapid growth in government revenue, more urgent need to establish a representatives selected by the taxpayer (NPC) of the consent; budget expenditures transparent, let the taxpayers know.

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