Thank you, Madam, Hello everybody!
Us to guess the following aspects will be arguments the other side.
First, the other friends are likely to argue our points can be summarized as no tests to discover talent, simply trying to give a counter example to prove our point of view does not hold.
Second, a narrow understanding of each other may also to arrive at the role of examinations on very little talent to explore the thesis.
the third, the other debate is likely to make the Friends of the shortcomings of the examination, examination of the tap talent trying to prove that more harm than good, so do not need to test and identify talent. < br> Fourth, the other is likely to debate the value of friends attacked me on the examinations blindly rely on people, causing some students have unrealistic expectations moral weight fraction of light, and thereby promote the importance of practice and all-round development.
the fifth, the other also may think that we will test the definition of infinite expansion. As for what the other opinions, we will wait and see.
guess the square argument against side:
Thank you, Madam, Hello everybody.
venture from the following guess the other aspects of argument:
First, Friends of the other debates may misinterpret the merely need to say is an extremely valuable option.
second, the other debates may be the Friends of the introduction of today's debate the pros and cons of the war, to promote more good than harm by demonstrating the examination exam to demonstrate the value of the other party ; need test so that it includes not only people experienced all the life test, and evaluation visits to all the other said as exams. for everyone to create a test atmosphere of life everywhere. and completely put aside today to discuss the premise of both mm personnel in the process of excavation, argument:
Yuli its body, we must first establish its name.
First, let us clarify some important concepts. so-called absurd into saying that we both need to discuss the :
First of all, to see from the targeted nature of the examination, objectivity, fairness and efficiency of its decision to become an important means to find talent. test can identify specific destination to explore the field who have the talent needed, to avoid the waste.
Secondly, from the fact that perspective, the examination of the widely popular and hard to replace, and deeply explore the human need to illustrate the examination of the truth. We recognize that examination is not the only means to identify talent, but the face of human resources scarcity and the urgent demand for talent in today's society has not a more reasonable, objective and effective system of examination can replace. explore the key role of its personnel. With the advance of time, the examination of the content to constantly enrich and diversify, the examination system is constantly being improved. Recently our confidence and make unremitting efforts to do?
Finally, from a value perspective, today we explore the ;, but to properly review a rational eye examinations in tap talent in the role. examination as a relatively fair and effective method was discovered for the excavation and provided an effective test platform; but it is not the only means to make full use of examination of the premise, we must also adhere to the accumulation of more knowledge and skills to better improve themselves and strive to become integrated to meet the talent needs of the community.
In summary, we that: tap talent needs examination.
anti-side argument:
Thank you, Madam, Hello everybody!
other debates demonstrated to us today, the Friends of the many benefits of the exam, it really was trying to lead the pros and cons of the war debate. We do not deny the advantage of that exam, but you can test it beneficial to tap talent demonstrated need examination? its essence is a necessary condition, it is only one way to identify talent, therefore, we believe that tap talent do not need to test.
that both ability and political integrity, but also people who contribute to society. examination is to check the level of knowledge or skill level of a method. and in this motion, the test is for exploring talent, subjects and conduct examinations identify the main talent is the same.
First, from the fact that level, on the one hand for that part of the examination can be talent uncovered by other means are also able to uncover them. For example now for outstanding students, can make them stand out in the exam, while walks, and recommend ways to make them the same path the Road to Success. On the other hand the limitations of the test function, for some people a steady stream of talent from the source and the hidden, quality, etc., the examination not very well uncovered them. So there must be a part of examinations can not be uncovered talents such as Journey to test in the examinations are not repeatedly, but in Chinese literary history created a great impact on the Liu Yong is not the original trial have repeatedly, but Song has become a master of innovation and development. Therefore, the examination is to identify talent is not the only protection. So, tap talent do not need to test.
Secondly, from the level of value point of view, today we do not need to test that identify talent, not to say against the exam, but to give a correct orientation test. On the one hand, for the personnel concerned, too much emphasis on the need for examinations, tests will be excavated people, and buried not test people. Examination is one of the ways to explore talents, a person is not recognized talent, the examination was not social need is both ability and political integrity but also the talent to contribute to society. too much emphasis on the need for the examination, will ignore the moral and ethical people, resulting in the community to focus only on the negative results rather than on moral atmosphere. Thus, whether is for talent, or for the society, identify talent can not rely excessively on the examination.
In summary, we believe that tap talent do not need to test.
defensive counterattack
any anti-party debate hand to refute the argument for the square:
Thank you, Madam, Hello everybody. After hearing arguments the other Friends of the debate I have the following advice to your side.
first, friends told me the other defense motions today in the has existed for thousands of years, the society selected a large number of people, today you want to deny us the meaning of its existence, so for us it fair? while we look at our point of view today is to explore the talent is not need to test, we said there needs to be understood as meaning, but our view is that the process in the discovery examination personnel not essential.
second, the other defense cited to us by the Friends of the examination many benefits, such as relevance, objectivity and fairness, efficiency, etc., do we see these benefits, but we are not to discuss the test or whether it is a big profit at great disadvantage, if the other party will today debate the Friends You have to The motion judge understood as a value, that you first tell you that I'm going to Beijing today, it is also a need for value judgments to fly? Then this value is high or low it?
third, the other Friends of debate told us that the popularity of this test and has been a very countries have enacted laws to protect, so we need it, I saw the Founder because such a situation, we discover that exam has penetrated into every aspect of human resources in So we in the promotion of quality education today should remind us that we identify talent lies eclectic, we should not place undue reliance on the test.
last hope of the other defense to refute the Friends of the next part of the first answer me this Question: Is there such a talent they did not pass the exam it was excavated?
refute this, thank you.
square anti-party for any debater refute the rebuttal, while consolidating the position of the parties:
argue the other side just as amazing friends that we did was very admirable. but we also want to ask each other debates Friends:
First, Friends of the debate the other side s point of view we can not identify with no exams personnel. We regret that we never recognize such a view. this point, our remarks in a debate already has a very detailed explanation.
Second, the Friends of the other debates that we expand the definition of the scope of the examination. I'm sorry to test content, the form of diversification is the development trend of the times, not our side that can expand to expand. Of course, that is not reduced to narrow your side, and if the other party has been the examination score is based on simple to the words of Competition.
Third, the Friends has repeatedly accused the other side argue the drawbacks of exams, but played down the significance test exists, is not extreme it? We do not deny the shortcomings of the current test exists, but the world does not the perfect thing. China's current law there are many imperfections, there are many loopholes, it is not also subject to debate each other Friends of the logic, we should also abolish the laws it? obviously not, we should be the perspective of development look at the issue, the world, the examination system is constantly being improved and become more scientific. Friends of the debate the other side Why do not we become more confident test it?
square anti-party for any debater refute the argument:
Thank you President, Hello everybody! Thank you Friends of the other defense to refute just wonderful, but I have to point out some other flaws.
First, you have just said that the need is, they should be, and later have to explain the need is. But we can see inside the dictionary explained the need should be, or must be. and we the argument in a debate, already clearly explain why the needs of today's discussion should be understood, and not have to. You say we do understanding of needs, sucked into the examination system does not need your negative overall examination system. In actual fact, we understand that the establishment of a reasonable debate on both sides carried out under the platform.
Second, we say examination is targeted, fairness and efficiency, not to say that harm test a big problem large or interest, we believe that the above is the examination of the nature of property, which is for the tap talent, save social resources play a role in rational to reach effective results. And, for today's debate, it is not only a fact to judge, but a value judgments. We need to identify talent that examination, meaning that it is also advocated positive social value. Thank you!
Opposition to refute any of the contestants for the square to refute, while consolidating the position of the parties:
Thank you, Madam President, I respond to the question the other three debates!
first, the other three debates tell us the first question the other party's argument that explains why the beginning need not have to be understood and should be understood, the other friends I argue that explanation to refute you, you told us that if you need to understand the words that should be our position is that should not the other side of this debate to refute your friends on our needs should not be construed as the views of what must be how to implement it, you also need to explain to us.
second, said today that we need to must be understood should not have to, because if today's debate should be understood, then discover your talent side view is supposed to test, but we will have to demonstrate and explore your Fangdui Li together talents should not be an exam, that we have to fundamentally deny the examination of this modern decision-makers and we continue to promote the participation of these people are still continue to such a system. argue that friends ask each other, we debate today is it? look at the debate the other Friends of the second question, the other side argue that we expand the test range of the Friends, we have never expanded the scope of examination is the debate the other side Oh, the Friends of the error estimates.
the third, the other debates with my friends stressed that We have been cited drawbacks of exams, we never use the test today, there are drawbacks to prove our point, we emphasize that there are no comprehensive examination is not comprehensive and disadvantages are the same as you?
and then ask them to Friends of free debate in a debate began to answer me a question whether in this world there is such a talent he will always be no way to test uncovered? Thank you.
close combat
Pros: First, I argue the answer to the other two problem, then there is no such person, he does not need test is still a talent, of course, people who have such a talent, but we are discussing today is a process of identifying talents and discover who is the subject? of course, is to explore those. I ask the other party Friends of debate, the introduction of the Bill of national examinations, then why should the introduction of such a national law? Is not that what we do not need this system?
counterclaim: first reply to the Friends of the other debates, we can never say that we should repeal the examination, but added the other debate in the distortion of what we mean friends. Will the debate the other friends Songchao Zu Chong Zhi value of the first to calculate pi to more than seven world recognized scientists, argue that the Friends ask each other what is this test to explore his talents?
Pros: Will the debate the other friends, you know what is uncovered by Shen Kuo's? is the examination system.
Cons: Friends of the other debates, we have never denied this world and some talents uncovered through the examination , or ask you to answer just four of us debate the question whether the Zu this talent is how to pass the exam uncovered it?
Square: I would like to ask each other, you clearly pointed out that Zu excavators who discover what is the purpose, explore how the process? Thank you.
Cons: Friends of the other debates we need today, you demonstrate in each case those who discover, we want you to side argument is the process of discovering whether personnel experienced examination. ZuChongZhi We talk about the other side for an example, if the examination is the only way to discover talent, then the people's good public servants Kong Fansen how he has been excavated? you tell me What is the relationship test? Thank
Square: I Friends ask each other debate, just that case, who discovered the Kong Fansen?
Cons: Friends of the other debates, he volunteered to Tibet, but ah, the other friends you can not answer the debate, Kong example of an example so let's have a look Warren Buffett had not passed the entrance examination at Harvard became well-known in the financial sector has become a great investor, will test how to discover his talents that do not test?
Square: Back to the other examples, results Although not a guarantee of access to Harvard, but Harvard University to enter the first hurdle is to score off, candidates have access to two-thirds of Harvard University is the school scores in the top ten, then that Harvard is looking results.
Cons: Friends of the other debates may not listen carefully to our problem, our problem is that he did not tell you Warren Buffett by Harvard University's entrance examination, but he still is a talent ah, why did you avoid answering it?
square: We are not saying do not enter Harvard University, not talent, or is bound to enter Harvard University, is talent. but to argue the opposite of the Friends of the example we avoided this, why do we have to improve each other imperfect the pillars of it?
Cons: the other side argue your friends or distorted our view, we say that we do not need but not to abolish the exam, exam ah we completely deny, or ask you to answer that question we have, Warren Buffett, what would happen to this talent will not be exam examination uncovered it?
Square: You do not need to test is not into the exam, then I ask the other side argue what is the significance of Friends of the fact that the motion it? I would like to ask each other debates friend, you do not need to test advocacy, do you think people need to explore what?
Cons: the other side argue your friends first to explain to me why your eyes do not need to equal to the square must be excluded that the existence of something mean? other defense of our friends Warren Buffett is no way to solve the problem, maybe you are not familiar to foreigners that we look at examples of ancient China, we say that a good emperor Li Shimin, but we see him how he has been excavated out? Friends of the difficulty of the other defense arguments Xuanwu Gate Incident to us as well as a test? Thank you.
Square: Friends of the cited debate each other just a few exceptions, I would like to ask other friends debate in the end of the examination to explore the talents of many? Or forms of non-examination to explore the talent much? Harvard University, dozens of Nobel laureates, you quote is just one of the few, relatively speaking, so what more do ?
Cons: your friends argue the other side is the need of today's debate demonstrated a necessary condition for your side, you can not refute us, we certainly have to give one example to refute your friends. the other friends you can not answer the debate question Emperor Li Shimin So I ask Yu to it, we explain why the test is not necessarily there to tap the talent.
Cons: the other side of this debate to explain the logic of my friends, we say that in our view, ah, need that must be, must be some meaning, if coupled with not words, do not just do not have any meaning, will debate each other and our friends that logic what conflict? Yu Why do not you answer our questions? Friends of repeated debate each other to avoid, this should not longer be ignored .
square: Your book is not just talking about writing a book examinations, the examination is defined by the form of both oral examination or ask questions. You do not need to test but said that no better alternatives, and that in the absence of test there is no substitute for the survival of the state which do not cause a shortage of talent?
Cons: First of all sign your friends recognize the defense of our view, is not writing a book and a book exam, that he did not pass the exam Yu excavated . to answer the question just the other Friends of debate, you said that we do not need to test what we have to find a replacement for it, is not the case, we say that the process of examinations and identify talent is not essential, then what other Friends of the next issue debates , the French master Pierre Cardin clothing superhuman talent, with his soaring rise of the garment industry was established, then ask friends debate other than to tell me you are his business history is a history test it?
square: We are not saying discover a talent he will have an excavator, the examples we have today is that a talent or no examination to determine talent, will debate each other friends who were to explore the process of exploring how?
Cons: may have to explore many others may also be his ah. other friends debate the issue today evaded us, or we ask you to answer the question the three debates.
square: I would like to explore is the individual's self- potential by developing a certain direction, called the self-developing self to become useful. I would like to ask other friends argue, we discuss the drawbacks of exams can not identify talent, but is seen in the various dynasties to explore the kinds of exam so as Wang and Fan Zhongyan personnel.
Cons: Friends of the other debates we would have said today is not the pros and cons of the war, why do friends talk about the benefits of today's debate and not the other party to solve our problems? This argument is not a necessary condition for your side of any benefits, I will ask the Friends of the debate the other side, there must be a proactive person to explore the other side say that they identify themselves, then the other side has to identify the definition to explore it?
Cons: Friends of the other debates, why not explore the self-identify? Are self-study is not to learn anything?
square: a very real problem, the number of the college entrance examination this year, over ten million, will debate each other friends, do not test, what better way to tap talent do?
Cons: Friends of the other debates, we just that examination it is not the only way to discover talent, we did not say we should repeal the exam, but only that you demonstrate the necessary conditions for your party must prove all of us must pass examinations to be discovered. the other Friends of debate You can not reply to Sima Qian's example then the next example, the Eastern Jin Dynasty calligrapher Wang as talented attend to personally valued by the court, then the other debate is not to say that friends discouraged by others is a test it?
Square: Friends of the other debates, Today, we already pointed out in argument, (square time).
Cons: the other side keeps saying that his friends argue that, but in our opinion does not indicate your side, you could tell us is why the necessary condition established.
Cons: Will Debate the Friends of the Spring and Autumn each other since the late thinker Confucius is admirable man, you tell me the exam here, what role do?
Cons: the world's richest man Bill Gates for personal computer operating software development investment a lifetime of effort and has made great achievements, you are not going to tell me he is a development process of Microsoft exams?
final word
anti-party guests to ask questions:
guests one: the need is must have, your point of view is to explore the talent to be or not to test, that test also can not test. based on your point of view, it is a recognition that there are several ways to identify talent today, the examination is necessarily important, but a variety of ways, do you think should be in that way to explore the main talent?
Guest two: talent is the ability and political integrity, but the other side there are many examples cited was not the case, such as Yu is at the cultural level great achievements, but in the moral level is much attack, is this talent? self discover is a discovery, that aspect of how to explore your potential?
Thank you, Madam, Hello everybody. thank two guests questions. First, let me answer the question the teacher leaves. He asked me, needs to be some means to demonstrate that we do not have to have. Then we explore the process of talent that there are many ways, what is the most important ways is not necessarily an exam, not. do in the real exam to explore most of the talent, the examination to explore a lot of talent, it does become a mainstream, but we are discussing the necessity of exam questions.
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